"Trained as a forestry technician, I have worked in the private sector for over 30 years and have set up two companies: the first in the form of a cooperative and the other on my own account. Silvicultural work, such as reforestation and brush clearing, were the main activities of both companies.
In 2014, seeing the labor shortage coming, I decided to join this brand new company BoreA Canada. Two things attracted me to this company: staying in the same line of business and participating in its growth. Indeed, the challenge was enormous, because producing essential oils year-round in such large quantities had never been done before. Raw material harvesting systems, monitoring, quality control and extraction procedures were all new. We proceeded by trial and error until we achieved the desired results. In the company, I'm mainly in charge of sourcing raw materials. Several species of trees and plants are brought to the distillery. My entrepreneurial experience enables me to supplement certain committees and administrative tasks.
Eight years later, I'm still part of this company, and year after year, new and interesting projects are added. But now I see retirement coming, or it may be early retirement before full retirement but one thing's for sure, I'll be keeping a close eye on BoreA Can's development.