Alain Rhéaume, trained forestry technician
"Trained as a forestry technician, I have worked in the private sector for over 30 years and have set up two companies: the first in the form of a cooperative...
100% Organic
Circular Economy
Directly From the Producer in Quebec
Respect for the Boreal Forest
100% Genuine
The Gua Sha, a smooth jade stone, helps relax facial features and reduce … unwanted lines!
A small beauty ritual for a radiant complexion and a visibly rested look.
Treat your loved one to this refreshing moment of happiness!
"Trained as a forestry technician, I have worked in the private sector for over 30 years and have set up two companies: the first in the form of a cooperative...
La résistance croissante aux antibiotiques : un enjeu majeur et l’alternative des huiles essentiellesLa résistance croissante des bactéries aux antibiotiques représente un défi mondial majeur, ce qui oriente la recherche...
Black Spruce: an indispensable and precious Quebec essential oil to have in your natural medicine kit... and for Christmas!