Essential oil

Black Spruce – Organic

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Black spruce essential oil increases energy metabolism and stimulates the body, it is a general tonic, an anti-asthenia ++++

Inhale cette huile essentielle pour profiter de son arôme rafraîchissant, qui peut contribuer à une sensation de clarté et de fraîcheur.

Soin de la peau : Acné, psoriasis, eczéma sec
Bien-être émotionnel : Anxiété, stress
Soutien énergétique : Asthénie (coup de pompe)
Soutien respiratoire : Bronchite, sinusite, catarrhe
Confort musculaire et articulaire : Douleurs musculaires, arthrite
Soutien général : Hyperthyroïdie, immunodépression, ménopause
Soin naturel : Mycoses intestinales et cutanées, parasitoses intestinales et cutanées
Confort masculin : Prostatite inflammatoire
Soutien digestif : Spasme au plexus solaire


Avoid use during the first three months of pregnancy and in cases of thyroid or adrenal disorders; long-term pure topical application may cause redness if the product is oxidized.

The information provided on this website does NOT constitute medical advice for the treatment or cure of any medical condition or disease.

Black Spruce – Organic
Black Spruce – Organic
Black Spruce – Organic

Functions of Black Spruce – Organic

  • Skin system

    Propriétés nettoyantes
    Peut contribuer à la propreté de la peau.

    Sensation de détente
    Apporte une sensation de calme et de relaxation.

  • Circulatory system

    Décongestionnant veineux et lymphatique
    Peut aider à maintenir un confort général.

  • Digestive system

    Peut soutenir une sensation de dynamisme.

  • Immune system

    Propriétés nettoyantes
    Aide à maintenir la propreté de l'air.

  • Respiratory system

    Effet apaisant
    Peut aider à maintenir la clarté des voies respiratoires.

    Sensation de fraîcheur
    Contribue à une sensation de légèreté respiratoire.

  • Osteoarticular system

    Sensation de confort
    Peut aider à soulager les sensations d'inconfort articulaire.

  • 100% organic

  • Circular economy

  • Directly from the producer in Quebec

  • Respect the Boreal Forest

  • 100% Genuine


To reach the Black Spruce in Boreal Forest, where it is distilled, the tourist might say that it is as far as going to SAINT-FAR-AWAY-OF-SO-FAR NORTH!

Black Spruce is a majestic conifer ranging in height from of 8 to 25 meters. These trees look after our Canadian forests from coast to coast, because this conifer grows where other species cannot grow. Favoring moist, sandy or peaty soils, this tree covers North America mainly from Canada’s Far North to the edge of the low Arctic tundra, as well as the northeastern United States. Its twigs are rough and its frayed bark is reddish brown when young and darker when mature. Its greyish-green needles are straight and tight along its branches. Its fruit is a small purple cone that changes to light brown. Of the forty varieties of spruce, it is the most resistant to very cold climates. It can withstand up to -60 degree Celsius temperatures according to some studies. Without its biggest enemy, which is fire, this tree could live up to 280 years.


Native people have been using many medicinal plants from the boreal forest for thousands of years for healing purposes. This knowledge is generally held as a form of oral tradition. Cree from the woodlands used Black Spruce as an anti-diarrheal medication by making infusions from the cones. At other times the needles and cones were used to treat diabetes. For burns, they made balms from Black Spruce resin and chewed on cones to relieve toothache.

The Montagnais First Nations from the Quebec Province used Black Spruce to prepare infusions against sore throats and to cure coughs. Native American children chewed the resin to improve the whiteness of their teeth. They attributed to Black Spruce powerful properties against scurvy. Used mainly to build settlers’ homes, the tree was also used to brew spruce beer made from: needles, cones and molasses. Under the pretext of preventing scurvy, this drink flowed freely in the evenings with the clergyand on board ships!

In 1772, the English physician, Henry Taylor, discovered a method to extract the essential oil from the spruce and recommended it for respiratory diseases. Dr. Taylor is also the founder of the first distillery in Québec City.

Learn more


Latin Name: Picea mariana

French Name: Épinette Noire

English Name: Black Spruce

Botanical Family: Abietaceae or Pinaceae

Origin: Quebec, Canada

Harvest time: January to December

Distilled Parts: Twigs & Needles

Organoleptic Properties: Clear and colorless with the smell of fresh conifer, the soft resin is almost icy, slightly spicy with hints of citrus.

Components: Bornyl acetate, camphene, α-pinene , δ3-carene , β-pinene


Essential oils are wonderful for the well-being of humans, animals, insects and plants. There are many books that discuss aromatherapy and you should refer to them for proper and safe use. We also recommend that you consult a professional in aromatherapy who will be able to target the biochemical groups and aromatic molecules of essential oils and thus increase the effectiveness of your care.


Essential oils should be stored in a cool, dry place, protected from light and air.


  • My bible of essential oils. Montreal, Éditions Caractère.
  • Natural Resources Canada: Official Site
  • Aromatherapy exactly. Bayeux, Éditions Roger.