Essential oil


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Belonging to the same botanical family as hemp, Hops produces an essential oil valued for its many traditional uses. This essential oil is often appreciated for its relaxing and soothing properties. Used for centuries, it is renowned for promoting relaxation and overall well-being.

Additionally, it is commonly used in women’s wellness, particularly for comfort during periods of hormonal changes.



Muscle pain: Apply a few drops mixed with a carrier oil and massage onto sore muscles.

For Sleep Support: Inhale in the evening before bed to promote better sleep.

Massage: Mix a few drops with a carrier oil and massage onto muscles for a relaxing sensation.

Diffusion: Inhale in the evening to create a calming atmosphere.


To be avoided in case of mastosis, hormone-dependent disseminated cancers.

The information provided on this website does NOT constitute medical advice for the treatment or cure of any medical condition or disease.


Functions of Hops

  • Digestive system

    Digestive Well-being: It supports digestive comfort.

  • Endocrine system

    Support for Women: A traditionally used essential oil for feminine well-being, especially during periods of hormonal changes.

  • Nervous system

    Relaxing and soothing, this essential oil has been traditionally used to promote relaxation in cases of anxiety or difficulty falling asleep.

  • Osteoarticular system

    Muscle and Joint Comfort – Historically appreciated for helping to relieve and soothe muscle and joint tension and discomfort.

  • 100% organic

  • Circular economy

  • Directly from the producer in Quebec

  • Respect the Boreal Forest

  • 100% Genuine


Native to the Northern Hemisphere, hops is an impressive climbing plant that can reach up to 10 meters in height. As a herbaceous perennial, it thrives primarily in Europe, Western Asia, and North America.

Preferring rich, moist soils, hops is a dioecious plant, meaning that male and female organs are found on separate plants. Typically grown on trellises, it clings with its large, serrated green leaves, which have between 3 and 5 lobes.

The flowering period of hops occurs from June to September. The female flowers, slightly greenish in color, contain lupulin, a precious resin at the heart of many uses in herbal medicine. This resin, with its unique properties, is employed in various forms for its numerous benefits.


Hildegard of Bingen (1099-1179) discovered the disinfecting properties and the conservative effect of hops which allowed producers to store the beer for longer periods of time. Before his discovery, barley ale was the brew of choice, produced from a mixture of herbs and spices.

Hops is part of the Cannabaceae family (like cannabis). Which explains its sedative effect. To encourage better sleep, insomniacs filled their pillowcases with these dried flowers. It is said that the peasants who harvested the hops had to sing to avoid falling asleep.

The Amerindians made infusions with hop flowers mainly to calm nervousness or insomnia. They also used them to make poultices for pain relief.

Learn more


Latin Name: Humulus Lupulus var. Cascade

French Name: Houblon

English Name: Hops

Botanical Family: Cannabinaceae

Origin: Quebec, Canada

Harvest time: August and September

Distilled Parts: Cones

Organoleptic Characteristics: Clear liquid, clear to pale yellow

Components: Myrcene, α-humulene, (E)-β-Farnesene, β-caryophyllène


It is recommended to always mix the essential oil with a carrier oil before applying it to the skin. Essential oils are wonderful for the well-being of humans, animals, insects and plants. There are many books that discuss aromatherapy and you should refer to them for proper and safe use. We also recommend that you consult a professional in aromatherapy who will be able to target the biochemical groups and aromatic molecules of essential oils and thus increase the effectiveness of your care.


Essential oils should be stored in a cool, dry place, protected from light and air.


Official website 

  • Association forestière du sud du Québec
  • Le guide sylvicole du Québec - Publications du Québec
  • Ministère des richesses naturelles de l’Ontario
  • National Library of Medicine, Schafer, D. and W. Schafer (1981). “Pharmacological studies with an ointment containing menthol, camphene and essential oils for broncholytical and secretolytical effects.” Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research 31(1): 82-86.
  • Ressources naturelles Canada


  • Baudoux Dominique. L’Aromathérapie, Se soigner par les huiles essentielles, Bruxelles, Éditions Amyris, Douce Alternative.
  • Blondeau Sonia. Les molécules amusantes tome 1, Éditions Amyris, Bruxelles, 2022.
  • Bosson Lydia. Hydrolathérapie, Guérir avec les eaux subtiles des plantes, Bruxelles, Éditions Amyris SPRL, 2015.
  • Burton Laurence. Un goût de forêt, Identifier, récolter et régénérer les plantes du Québec, Montréal, Les Éditions de L'Homme, 2022.
  • Catty Suzanne. Hydrosols, The next aromatherapy, Vermont USA, Healing Arts Press, 2001,
  • Festy Danièle. Ma bible des huiles essentielles, Éditions Leduc.s Pratique, 2020.
  • Festy Danièle. Ménopause & Huiles essentielles, Éditions Caractère, Canada, 2012.
  • Franchomme P. , Jollois, R,. Pénoël, D. L’aromathérapie exactement, Encyclopédie de l’utilisation thérapeutique des huiles essentielles, fondements, démonstration, illustration et applications d’une science médicale naturelle, Éditions Roger Jollois, Bayeux, 2001.
  • Franchomme P. Le répertoire complet des huiles essentielles médicales-Tome1, Guy Trédanie éditeur, Paris, 2022.
  • Frasnelli Johannes. Humer, flairer, sentir : Le pouvoir insoupçonné de l'odorat, Éditions MultiMondes, Montréal, 2021.
  • Frère Marie-Victorin, Rouleau Ernest, Brouillet Luc et collaborateurs. Flore laurentienne 3e édition, Gaëtan Morin Éditeur ltée, 2002.
  • Mathieu Jacques, L’annedda, l’arbre de vie, Québec, Les Éditions du Septentrion, Les cahiers du Septentrion, 2009.
  • Moerman Daniel E. Native American Ethnobotany, Timber Press, Portland, Oregon, 1998.
  • Mojay Gabriel. Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit, Restoring Emotional and Mental Balance with Essential Oils, Vermont USA, Healing Arts Press/Gaia Books Limited, 1999.
  • Plamondon Stéphanie. Nobles essences, Guide des plantes aromatiques du Québec, Éditions Québec Amérique inc., 2023.
  • Tisserand Robert et Young Rodney. Essential Oil Safety, Second edition, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, London, 2014.
  • Werner Monica, Von Braunschweig Ruth. L’Aromathérapie, Principes, Indications, Utilisations, Éditions Vigot Paris, 2007.