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Organic Eastern White Cedar Essential Oil (for external use only) stands out for its exceptional healing power for the skin, offering a valuable solution for difficult wounds and scars. In synergy with Common Tansy or Yarrow, it is effective against intestinal parasites. In addition, its mucolytic and anticatarrhal actions make it ideal for bronchitis with excess mucus, freeing the bronchi and acting directly on the respiratory infection.

Latin name: Thuya occidentalis

French name: Thuya Occidental, Cèdre Feuille

English name: Eastern White Cedar, Cedar Leaf

Botanical family: Cupressaceae

Origin: Quebec, Canada

Harvest time: May to September

Distilled parts: Leaf and branch

Organoleptic characteristics: Clear to pale yellow liquid, typical cedar, woody and camphor odor.

Components: α-Fenchone, α-Thujone, β-Thujone, α-Pinene, β-Pinene

Organic Eastern White Cedar Essential Oil is of particular interest for the skin due to its powerful healing properties. It constitutes a valuable ally for treat wounds and scars the most stubborn.

Associated with Common Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) or Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), it works effectively against intestinal parasites. In addition, its mucolytic and anticatarrhal actions make it an optimal choice for bronchitis accompanied by excessive mucus production. It contributes to clear the airways and fight infection directly.


In Canada, we diffuse this essential oil to free a place in which there have been conflicts and thus bring new, healthier energies.


Cellulite, hypertrophic scar, stretch marks, wound, sebaceous cyst, flat wart +++, budding wart +, herpes labialis, burn, bedsore, ulcer, intestinal (candida) and skin mycosis, intestinal parasitosis (pinworms, tapeworm, roundworm) and skin , bronchitis with a lot of mucus and viral bronchitis, bedbugs, scabies, mites, ticks, mosquito repellent.


  • Florelaurentienne.com
  • Thecanadianencyclopedia.ca
  • Spaceforlife.ca

This tree, which has a particularly pronounced scent due to its high concentration of essential oils, generally reaches an average height of fifteen meters. Belonging to the cupressaceae family, it has an impressive longevity of up to 300 years.

It is found naturally in marshy lands, but it can also grow in very dry soils and resists frost well. Its thin, smooth bark, initially reddish brown, changes to a gray covered in furrows over time. The flat and strongly branched branches bear ovoid cones grouped in pairs of 5 or 6, measuring between 1 and 2 cm.

Indigenous populations living along the Pacific coast used Thuya wood, known for its lightness, softness and resistance to rot, in various applications such as totem pole carving, the construction of canoes and habitats.

In addition to its artisanal uses, Eastern White Cedar was also prized for its therapeutic virtues. Decoctions from its branches were used to treat rheumatism, pneumonia and coughs, while infusions relieved headaches and menstrual pain. Moreover, bark poultices were used to treat cuts.

Some Native American tribes burned small branches of Thuya over charcoal to disinfect homes and ward off malicious spirits. The smoke from this tree was also used in religious ceremonies to purify people and sacred objects.

Today, the Canadian Eastern White Cedar remains one of the most popular conifer species for creating hedges, with more than 300 different cultivated varieties. Its natural effectiveness against moths and its pleasant scent make it a material of choice for the manufacture of storage chests and wardrobes. Furthermore, “cedar” shingle cladding, traditionally used as exterior cladding on houses, has marked the history of Quebec colonization for more than four centuries.

Finally, Eastern White Cedar seeds are a food source enjoyed by various birds such as crossbills, pine goldfinches and finches. As for its bark, it is particularly prized by white-tailed deer, which graze on it up to a height of 1.5 meters, to the great dismay of hedges... and their owners!


Attention! This essential oil presents great neurotoxicity orally. It should be avoided by pregnant and breastfeeding women, children under 12 years old, as well as vulnerable people such as the elderly, except on the recommendation of an aromatherapy specialist.


Essential oils offer numerous benefits for human, animal, insect and plant well-being. It is recommended to refer to specialized aromatherapy books for appropriate and safe use.

We also recommend consult an aromatherapy professional, capable of targeting the biochemical groups and aromatic molecules of essential oils, in order to optimize the effectiveness of treatments.


It is best to store essential oils in a cool, dry place, away from light and air.

The information provided on this Website is NOT a medical recommendation for treatment or cure of any medical condition or disease.

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